The Legend of Aesthetic Clinic REBORN !

The Legend of Aesthetic Clinic REBORN !

Holla guys !

Did you ever heard a philosophy “Beauty Outside, Happy Inside”? Honestly, this is the first time I heard about it, but I think it is a great philosophy. So, what do you think about a statement if a happy life is the foundation of self-beauty? Did you think if a happy life is relating with beautification?. To be honest, when I heard about this statement, any questions arise in my mind and I can’t get the perfect answer until I join in the beauty blogger Surabaya gathering with Klinik Estetika Dr.Affandi. Are you curious about the answer? Please read this post till the end ❥

Beauty has been an important thing ever since, so not suprising if many people competing to find the best way to maintain their beauty. When the beauty become a necessity, any beauty care products has been popping up. Sadly, just using the beauty care products are not enough, many people need more treatments that give the fast effect.So, since 31 years ago Klinik Estetika present to answer the people needed.

I think this is the first beauty clinic in Indonesia, because when I talk with my mom about this clinic she told me if Klinik Estetika Dr. Affandi is very famous. Any artist, officials, and rich people at that time period came to Semarang only to do the beauty treatment in this clinic. As time goes by, the clients are increasing and widening throughout Indonesia, so (Alm) Dr. Affandi was opening 15 new branches around Indonesia until now.

In this gathering, we were invited to know more about Klinik Estetika Dr. Affandi. Mr. Agus as the head office of Klinik Estetika Surabaya tell us lot about the story of Klinik Estetika since 1988, the vision and mission, the promotion, the beauty care products, the new innovation and many more. Stick to the philosophy “Beauty Outside Happy Inside”, Klinik Estetika wants to help everyone to get the perfect level of beauty according to the client needed. They believe that beauty level can reveals the happiness inside.

The one thing that makes me interested is when Mr. Agus tell us if Klinik Estetika not as expensive as we imagine. Klinik Estetika has been change their image from the exclusive beauty clinic to the friendly beauty clinic. So, everyone can have the same chance to do a beauty treatment there.

Is there any promotion?

Yes, they have 10% discount in all treatment and beauty care products for student (please bring your student card), 10% discount for worker that having BPJS Ketenagakerjaan (Indonesia worker card), and 45% discount for every client after they do the beauty treatment or buy the beauty care product more than IDR 300k. If you want to get the free beauty treatment voucher, you can add their LINE OFFICIAL (@klinikestetika), because they often share the free beauty treatment voucher. So, don’t worry about the price, I guarantee the price there is really affordable (I already compare it).

How about the people who are busy?

Don’t worry ! Now you can do the online consultation with the Doctor by the photo or live video. This is the new innovation from Klinik Estetika that will help you to makes consultation easier than before and of course it is FREE.

What should I do? Please follow these steps :

  1. Please visit their website on or you can download the application in Play/Apple Store. First click on the right side (free online consultation), next please choose which consultation you want.
  2. Please sign up/register first if you’re a new client or directly sign in if you’re already register before. After, sign in please fill out the form before you take the photo.
  3. After you fill out the form and you already write your skin problem, the last step is take a photo according to the instruction. Please wait 2 x 24 hours, the doctor will send you an email about your skin problem solutions. The drugs or beauty care products that suggested by the doctor can be purchased online in their website too.

The live video consultation can be done at the specified time (you can choose by yourself) and make sure the connection or camera is good. So, with the new innovation from Klinik Estetika you can do the beauty consultation anytime and anywhere.

The next innovation from Klinik Estetika is Laser Therapy BiAxis Qs. This laser therapy doesn’t make your skin wound and redness, because they use the targeted rays. What the advantage from this therapy? This laser therapy will make your skin face brighter (bleaching effect from the rays) and best for skin rejuvenation. The other problem that can be handled with this therapy is tattoo removal (depends on the color) and pigmentation problem.

Dr. Diah Ira from Klinik Estetika show us directly the Laser Therapy BiAxis Qs process. The effect from this therapy just look like a pink spot that will disappear within a few hours. Don’t worry to feel hurt, because you’ll be given an anesthesia before the therapy. How is that? Are you interested? The cost for this therapy is IDR 1.500 mio (Once time) or IDR 5.500 mio (5 times therapy).

After the Laser Therapy BiAxis Qs demonstration, Klinik Estetika give me a chance to try the Facial Treatment. Woah, I’m really exciting because this my first time to try the facial treatment. Most of my friends told me if facial treatment is really really hurt, honestly I’m actually not sure to do this treatment, but let’s prove it !

Before I do the treatment, the crew ask me to fill the registration form first for the membership and medical record data. After that, the crew call me again to meet the Doctor first for a consultation. The Doctor there is very friendly, she ask me first about the treatment that I want to take before she do the examination.

The Doctor said my skin is very good, no acne problem, no dry skin problem, and just a blackhead problem. So, she’s suggest me to do the brightening facial treatment than the tightening. Before I move to the treatment room, the doctor explain to me about the advantage of the brightening facial treatment, how long the treatment, the beauty care product that match with my skin type and many more.

The treatment

If you choose the Brightening Facial Treatment, the first step that you’ll get is face massage (totok wajah). The crew is very skilful, they know I have the problem with headache because I always sleep late. So, they help me to fix it and makes me feel more relax before doing the treatment.

After the face massage, another crew come in and give me the steam treatment. The steam feel so warm and makes my face skin more moist. Honestly, I enjoy the treatment there, the crew is very friendly and always tell me first about the step that will be taken. After the steam treatment, the crew using the vacuum tools to remove all the blackhead around my face.

While do this treatment, the crew told me if my skin is clean enough. She just see a few stubborn blackhead around my face and she will take the stubborn blackhead manually. Seriously guys, this is the part that I hate so much ! I feel the real pain when the crew takes the stubborn blackhead, especially in my nose, forehead, and chin area. I must hold this pain for more than 20 minutes guys, I’m crying at this time. But, beauty is pain right? So, I must be strong.

The next step is do the anti bacteria treatment using the electric current. Honestly, in this step I didn’t feel pain anymore, but sometimes I feel like I was electrocuted when the crew lift the tool. The anti bacteria treatment is very helpful for keeping the pores that have been exposed before from any germs.

After the anti bacteria treatment, this is the time to use the brightening masker. Different with acne masker that have grey/yellow color, the brightening masker is colorless. For this step, the crew put the masker on my face carefully and ask me to wait for 15-20 minutes before cleaning.

Are you curious with the result?

Yes, after 20 minutes to wait, the crew was cleaning my face from the masker and put the anti irritation cream. She ask me to wait for 5 hours before I put any make up on my face and this is the result….

My face look more healthy, shiny, moist, and no stubborn blackhead again (yey!). The redness over my face is disappear after one day treatment and no visible scars are left, eventhough I feel so much pain when the blackhead removing. I really recommend this treatment for you guys ! The result is real and the price is really affordable, just for IDR 110k-250k/treatment.

Are they sell the beauty care products?

Yes, they sell any beauty care products like night cream, day cream, sun block, cleansing foam, compact powder, foundation, and many more. Those beauty care products can be purchased by online on their website or you can directly buy in their clinic. All beauty care product can be purchasing with/without doctor’s prescription.

What the treatment that they have?

Klinik Estetika having 18 treatment like Laser Treatment, Face Lifting, Microneedling Therapy, Botox Injection, Filler Injection, Microdermabrasion, Chemical Peeling, Micro Peeling, Acne Peeling, Electrocauter, Acne Injection, Brightening Injection, Masker Vitamin C, Masker Lifting, Facial, Iontophoresis and Spa.

Klinik Estetika not just offering you the beauty treatment only, they also offering you the comfortable treatment room, the affordable price, the friendly crew and the experienced dermatologist. So, are you wanna try?

Alright, that’s all guys !

I hope this post can help you so much, especially for you who are still confuse to choose the beauty clinic.

I really wanna say big thanks to Surabaya Beauty blogger and Klinik Estetika Dr. Affandi for having me on this gathering. I really honorable to be the part of this event. I promise, I will come back again soon to try the another beauty treatment.

Thank you for the goodie bag too Klinik Estetika, I really love it !❥

And last word from me, Enjoy your time there guys.. hope you have the sweetest moment.

If you have any question or suggestion, feel free to contact me on IG : @tephieteph or : @tephtephie.

Thank you for reading,


If you curious, where the place? Please look at the direction in below…

Jl. Diponegoro No. 144, Surabaya (Near the Mahameru Restaurant)


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