Glossy lips become a trend again this year !
As we know, every woman want to have a thick and sexy lips. So, no wonder if nowadays many woman do lips filler to get that look. But don’t worry, if you afraid to do lips filler, you can choose some of lips product which can makes your lips thick and sexy.
Lately, Mizzu cosmetic proudly launching their “Valipcious Divine Gloss” lipgloss in 5 fresh color choices. After success with Mizzu Valipcious Velvet Mattein 15 shade, now Mizzu provide us a glossy lipgloss with fresh colors. Moreover, this is a lightweight intense color lip gloss with Aloe barabadensis leaf juice powder. Maybe it can be the one of the reason you didn’t need to use a lip plumper again to make your lips thick, glossy and sexy. Because, Mizzu divine gloss will do it in one time and makes your day more fresh and colorful.

Honestly, I never use a lipgloss since 10 years ago, because I don’t like the heavy and sticky sensation of it. But, I’m totally wrong after I try Mizzy divine gloss. I feel this lipgloss doesn’t heavy at all (super light), has a good smell (like vanilla/cookies), and has good pigmentation. I admit it, Mizzu have a great formula to “POP UP” the color with the great glossy coating. This is a lipgloss, of course you’ll feel the stick sensation. I can’t lie about it babe. But, the good news is – Mizzu divine gloss not that too sticky and still light wearing.
Well, this lipgloss is also made from a dried leavesof the aloe plant and functions as a lip-conditioning agent. Because of it, the gloss glides smoothly on the lips, not particularly sticky either and moisturises. Yap ! this lipgloss is suitable for you who have dry lips type.
Mizzu divine gloss have a soft applicator, so it will help you to flatten the lipgloss perfectly. But, you must to know it, Mizzu divine gloss number #01Discreet, #02 Authentic and #03 Delight has a patchy problem. It’s hard to get the perfect color in it, you need to swatch and flatten for 2-3 times. I don’t know why, maybe the color is to bright or something?
Talk about the ingredients, overall Mizzu divine gloss is safety. Because it doesn’t contain any paraben things inside. If you a pregnant woman who concern with paraben cosmetic, don’t worry ! Mizzu divine gloss is free from paraben. You can freely to use it and boost your mood !
Next, I will show you the 5 colorful shade of Mizzu divine gloss :
#01 Discreet
Anude pink fresh color, comes with pretty glossy effect. The pink color makes my face brighten than before and look so fresh.
#02 Authentic
A mixing color of red and brown, bring the bold and calm look at the same way. I didn’t look fierce, even tho this color is dark enough. Good job Mizzu to create this color perfectly.
#03 Delight
Soft pink color ! if you a natural lip color lover or hunter you need to try it out. It suitable for daily use and look super natural pinkist. But, this color look a little bit pale on my skin tone 🙁
#04 Gratitude
The red cherry ! Omg, I’m so happy to found this super fresh color. This color is look like a red cherry lip tint but comes in full coverage and a gloss finish.
#05 Savvy
At least, Mizzu divine gloss has 3 color that look a like. Maybe number #01, #03 and #05. A quiet hard to different it from the packaging, you’ll know the true color after you swatch it. Savvy is the 5th color and so far I like it. The pink nude look so calm and suitable with my skin tone too.
Well, that’s the 5 shade of Mizzu divine gloss, which color do you like?
Oya, I’m forget to told you about the transfer effect. Since, this is a lipgloss, of course it’ll be transfer. But don’t worry, Mizzu divine lipgloss still long wearing, because the color formulas is pretty good. If you have a dry lips, this lipgloss doesn’t make your lips will dried.
Mizzu Divine Gloss
Net/Netto : .4.5 g
Brand Origin : Indonesia
Price : 79.000
Where to buy : MizzuOnline websiteor on Supermarket
About packaging, honestly I like the outer packaging. Look cool, simple and the design it’s really eye-catching. But, after I open it and put the lip gloss out, I didn’t find any special design. Just a ordinary design, but Mizzu try to help us with the transparent tube, so we can differentiate 5 lipgloss easily. Overall, the lipgloss tube is light slim and easy to put it anywhere.
Move on to another lips stuff that given by Mizzu Cosmetic and Clozette ID.
The second one, I get Mizzu #inspired. This a new comer in Mizzu cosmetic and I really fall in love in the first time I try and used it. Why? Because this is a matte lipstick with GOOD MOISTURIZER. Other than that, Mizzu inspired available in 9 shade choices, but most of them is semi dark to dark color. Believe or not, I used it every time when I’m go out. The things that I like from Mizzu inspired is pigmented, long wearing up to 6hrs ++ without touch up, buttery texture, light, good moisturizer, and even it matte but not dry at all.
As I told to you before, I didn’t like a matte lipstick because it super dry and hard to applied/flatten. But, it doesn’t apply to Mizzu inspired, because the super dry lips like me, and I didn’t need to use any lip balm before applied it. I really really RECOMMEND IT for you, I bet you won’t be disappointed. I will re-purchase when this lipstick runs out.

Sadly, I just got 2 color of Mizzu inspired. I hope you can imagine how’s good it is. Okay, I will show you the 2 colors that I got :
#i2 Spotlight
Peachy color, yey ! This color is mixing of pink and orange color (or a little bit brown?). At a glance, you’ll think this color is semi-dark, yap it’s true. But after you swatch, the peachy color will appear. I use this color for daily activity. I think this color is so calm and still fresh. Suitable with my skin tone and I prove it.
#i3 Wanderlust
It’s purple, yey ! finally I have a purple lipstick. I think this color is good if I name it the dark wine? It’s fit? I really like the pigmentation, look so intense and smooth finish. My lips doesn’t look dry at all and my face look brighten that before. Even tho, my face look so fierce, but still elegant when I use this color.
Talk about the ingredients, same thing goes to Mizzu inspired. Mizzu doesn’t use any harm ingredients inside of it and paraben free. I love the way Mizzu put the moisturizer inside of this lipstick. My lips still look moist even after 3hrs ++ and eat everything.Mizzu Inspired is a nice matte finish lipstick with soft texture that is quite moisturizing. It applies smoothly with rich color and stays on really well.
Mizzu #Inspired
Net/Netto : .2,3 g
Brand Origin : Indonesia
Price : 59.000
Where to buy :MizzuOnline websiteor on Supermarket
Mizzu inspired has a good design packaging inside and outside. Well, from outside you will look this lipstick box is eye-catching with black, white and pink color. In inside, you’ll found the simple and cute lipstick with black color packaging. So far, I didn’t have any critic for Mizzu inspired, this lipstick is so light really !
Final Thought
Well, After I tried 2 kind of lips stuff from Mizzu, I give rate 4/5 for Mizzu Divine gloss and 5/5 for Mizzu #Inspired. Yap ! I give the different rate for two lip stuff above, because I think the Mizzu divine gloss still have a patchy problem. Patchy problem is a big deal for me. A little bit hard to get the perfect glossy color, if the liquid/cream can’t formed properly. You need to swatch it again and again. Maybe in the future, Mizzu cosmetic can fix this problem and add 5 shade again or more? I want to tried again. The glossy finish is really awesome, it’s perfect with light wearing effect.
Mizzu need to keep going with the #inspired series, maybe in the future Mizzu can add another fresh and colorfull series. Because not all people suitable to use semi dark and dark color, some of them still like a nude or colorful color. Good job Mizzu for the formula of Mizzu inspired. I love the texture, color, long wearing and moisturizer. Why you know what I need well huh?
Mizzu lip product is super affordable and the quality is pretty good. I bet you never being disappointed after buy their product (but please read my review first). Honestly, I’m one of Mizzu loyal customer, I’ve been use their pen eyeliner for 1 year maybe. So, there’s no doubt about their product and quality.
Okay, that’a all guys. I want to say thank you to Mizzu Cosmetic and Clozette ID for let me try this pretty lips product. See you in another project !
If you have any question, suggestion or collaboration for the next beauty product review,
feel free to contact me onIG : : @tephtephie
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