Hair fall?
Ewh.. no more !
Well, I know hair fall is the biggest girl problem nowadays. A lot of my friend ask me, how to resolve the hair fall problem?
Honestly, hair fall is also my problem a long time ago and I fix this problem by using a hair tonic regularly after washing my hair. Then, it proven, my hair loss is decreases and begins to grow a lot of new hairs. Because of it, I stop to use any hair tonic and let my hair growth naturally.
Basically, my hair is very very thin (genetic btw) and a some day ago I got a natural hair tonic which made from a Ashitaba leaf. I heard this hair tonic can help me togrow new hairs and thicken them. Yeah I know, you’llfeel strange to hear that name. But, Ashitaba is the one of famous herbal leaf from Japan and the local farmers in Mojokerto try to plant it. Starting from there, a local entrepreneur try to make a hair care from Ashitaba leaf and WALAA… I proudly introduce to you Keiske !A hair care which made from the real Ashitaba leaf.
This time, I got the chance to try 2 products from Keiske. First, Keiske Hair Tonic(the famous product) and Keiske Hair Perfume Conditioner. Actually, Keiske has 3 products, hair tonic, hair perfume and hair shampoo. And all of them, 100% made from natural ingredients guys. So, don’t worry, it will makes your hair skin or hair is become damaged.
Let’s we review one by one, start from Keiske Hair Tonic….
Keiskei Hair Tonic
Like the most of hair tonic, Keiske hair tonic is also can help you to growth a new hair, stop the dandruff problem and stop the hair loss problem. But, the special things about Keiske hair tonic, it can help you toresolvethe baldness problem. How come? Nah Keiske hair tonic isformulated with Japanese technology and complete with nano technology. So, the active ingredient inside of hair tonic can get in to the deepest hair roots. Moreover, the grape seed inside of this hair tonic will helpcan inhibit the DHT hormones growth. Pstt.. DHT is Dihydrotestosterone Hormone, this is a hormone which can stimulate the baldness problem (a lot of father out there maybe you need it, LOL).
Ashitaba extract that rich with Vitamin B, inside of this hair tonic has a function for hair regeneration process. The active ingredients inside of it, will help you to solve the dandruff, hair skin wounds and excess oil problem. Wow, one product with a lot of benefits. I already tried it for around 2 weeks and feel a lot of new hair is growth. Even tho, is not so visible but I can feel a new hair is growing.
Well, the smell of Keiske hair tonic is not bad, still fresh even tho I can smell the herb fragrance. The liquid color is yellow (bright yellow), a little bit different from the most hair tonic which has a clear color like water.To get the perfect result, use this hair tonic twice a day. Don’t worry, the hair tonic is quick to dry and doesn’t make you hair feel sticky.
Keiske Hair Tonic
Net/Netto : 100 ml
Brand Origin : Indonesia
Price : 350.000 (100 ml) – 190.000 (50 ml)
Where to buy :Keiske Website orOnline shopping site
I didn’t find anything special from the packaging. The packaging is not eye catching at all, maybe I can called the packaging model is too old or ordinary? Okay, I so sorry to said this way, but a good product will catch a lot of customers trust from the packaging first. I can’t lie, first impression is the important thing. Maybe someday Keiske can make a modification in their packaging. Customer didn’t need a luxury packaging, but pack your products in simple and elegant way.
Keiske Hair tonic comes with spray tube,this allows us to reach all parts of our head and efficient in fluid usage. Moreover, the tube of this hair tonic is made from elastic mica/plastic, so it will not break easily when falling. Good Job ~
Keiske Hair perfume conditioner
Conditioner butbut has a liquid texture?this is unusual.conditioner is usually come in gel texture, but Keiske made a new innovation. A conditioner which you didn’t need to wash again, not sticky, and quick to dry. Again, this is a one of new innovation from Keiske, especially for you who used Hijab and helm everyday. Hot weather and sweat make our hair feels limp, bad smell and damage. So, Keiske offering you a hair perfume conditionerwhich is very efficient, can be brought anywhere and a long-lasting fragrance.
Keiske hair perfume conditioner come with nano technology which has double function as vitamin and hair perfume. Same as the hair tonic, the nano technology will makeactive ingredient inside of hair perfume can get in to the deepest hair roots.Keiske HPC is also made from natural ingredients like Ashitaba extract, grape seed oil, jojoba oil, olive oil, sunflower seed, and etc.
Keiske HPC, besides it can help you to cope the stinky hair, it can help you to fix the damage hair, branched hair, over styling hair, and dull hair. So, HPC has the function tostrengthens the hair follicles & hair roots, softens hair follicles, stimulates the opening of closed pores, improves damaged & branched hair, softens coarse hair, provides freshness & fragrance throughout the day, dull hair. Their claim, HPC can work 10x faster than the most of conditioner.
I’m not used this product regularly, but I prove if this hair perfume can keep your hair still fresh until the next hair washing. The liquid is clear, super fresh fragrance and quick to dry. You can spray itthroughout the hair area and use it twice a day to get the maximal result. I suggest you, to spray it first before do the hair styling, to prevent the hair damage.
Keiske Hair Perfume Conditioner
Net/Netto : 100 ml
Brand Origin : Indonesia
Price : 270.000
Where to buy :Keiske WebsiteorOnline shopping site
The packaging of Keiske HPC literally same as the hair tonic. So, I didn’t need to talk about it anymore.
Final Thought
Overall, I give rate 4.5/5 for Keiske Hair Tonic and HPC. Keiske just lack in the products packaging, maybe if they pack it more eye catching or elegant, I will give the perfect rate. Why I give 4.5/5 ? Because Keiske made from the natural ingredient with good technology. I will super concern with anything that I used on my head, becausea little more, it will give a effects on my head nerves. More natural is better for our hair and head nerves. Other than that, I really give a high appreciate to local entrepreneur, who can made this product by using Ashitaba leaf. Super creative, Good Job ~
I will use the hair tonic regularly (after washed my hair) to stimulating my hair growth. I already prove their claim, even tho the hair growth not that fast and thick. Maybe need a time and consistency to using it. I reallyRECOMMENDKeiske HPC for you who always use Hijab and Helm everyday. It will give a fresh smell in your hair. So, you didn’t need to washing your hair everyday to get the fresh smell and feeling again.
Sadly, the price is really pricey. I don’t think everyone can afford it. The good products, is very unfortunate if it can’t be used by all circles. Maybe Keiske can consider to make a economic products with the price under 100k. So, everyone can afford and try it first. I believe, if Keiske product is that good, how much the price is not a problem.Anyway, Keiske is already has a BPOM code in every their products. Don’t worry, this product is safe to us.
That’s all guys, any comment?
This is my first time to review a hair care. Maybe should I do more? 🙂
Thank you Keiske Indonesia and Surabaya Beauty Blogger to introduce me to the good hair care. So, you should to try it too guys ~
If you have any question, suggestion or collaboration for the next beauty product review,
feel free to contact me onIG : : @tephtephie
Thank you for reading,